Food & Agriculture
Beauty & Medical
Manufacturing Industry
Construction & Infrastructure
Remote sensing
Classification of salt, sugar and synthetic sweetener (erythritol)
Visualization of freshness deterioration of pork
Detection of foreign matters in soy source (bug, hair)
Visualization of stems of whole tomatoes
Detection of rubbers in dried fruits
Utilized with a microscope (pathological specimen)
FRET bio imaging (macro observation of fluorescence resonance energy transfer)
Detection of blood vessels
Multidimensional analysis of vital information
Shooting of moisture cream
Classification of rubbers
Detection of moisture in a piece of paper
Detection of foreign matters on a electric component
Measurement of color space distribution of a display
Shooting of organic semiconductor crystal
Detection of moisture in soil
Classification of components in a mineral stone
Shooting of the power of a rare earth stone
Detection of the rust
Evaluation of dirt of a vehicle board
Classification of plastic materials
Classification of metal powder
Classification of oil on metal
Classification of water and oil on rubber
Visualization of coating unevenness
Classification map of the land cover
Shooting color and NDVI videos simultaneously from a drone
Human detection in water
Detection of NO2 in the air
Measurement of the spectrum of the Moon surface